How Private Elementary Schools Curate Curious Students
Elementary-level students are already a curious group and are usually interested in learning more about their world. They engage all their senses to discover and explore their surroundings, and schools play a critical role in curating this curiosity. Now more than ever, parents have a myriad of choices when it comes to elementary schools by choosing between a public or private institution. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 25% of all elementary and high schools are private.

Let’s take a look at how private elementary schools curate curious students.
1. Creative Games and Sports
Games and sports are a superb way to get students active and involved, which is why many teachers use games in class to spark curiosity. Private elementary schools like ours have academic activities such as swimming, which is a great extracurricular activity for students who want to join. Through our swimming program, your child will have an activity they love and want to continue to find more and more in the future.
2. Field Trips
There is no limit to places students can visit to curate their curiosity. Local museums, zoos, and historical sites are all places many elementary schools take children. In addition, field trips get students out of the regular school environment so they can learn in more unstructured ways. Private elementary schools use field trips to put learning in the hands of students. As a result, students have a more meaningful role in education.
3. Scientific Experiments
Scientific experiments will make students fascinated by the natural world. The experiments aren’t limited to older middle school students. In elementary school, students can explore color by adding drops of food color to get different colored water or milk. With smaller class sizes, it can be easier for teachers to answer curious students’ questions and guide them during experiments in a more one-on-one setting.
If your child is a curious person, then why not enroll them in a private institution? Private elementary schools curate curious students to explore and understand the natural world. Find more ways our school can spark and propel your child’s curiosity by giving us a call today to speak with an administrator or continuing to explore our website.