How Your Local Private School Will Improve Your Child’s Reading Skills
Do you want your child to excel at reading? Do you feel like your child’s school isn’t giving them enough opportunities to practice their reading skills? You may want to check out a local private school. In a recent study conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics, private school students scored 18 points higher in eighth grade and 15 points in fourth grade than their public school counterparts for reading, according to Fatherly. There are a few reasons why a privately-run school may be better for reading than a public school.

Here are three reasons to consider a private school for your little one.
Smaller Classrooms
Private schools have the ability to control their admission and their enrollment. That means they can keep their classrooms small. That’s an important part of learning to read. With a small classroom, the teacher can give each student individualized attention. Therefore, if a student is struggling, the teacher has more time to work with them one-on-one. If a student is advanced, the teacher can give them more challenging assignments. Your student will get the education that is right for their reading level at a local private school.
Customized Curriculum
Often, kids don’t like to read because they don’t like the subject matter. In a private school, the teacher has great flexibility over the curriculum and the subjects that students are reading. The teacher can change the assignments for each student and give them material they actually want to read. If your child is reading books they enjoy, they’re more likely to continue reading and gain a love for it.
Excellent Learning Environment
Students in a local private school are often more interested in learning than their public school counterparts. This may be due to the smaller class size, as there’s more incentive to ask questions and to seek help when they need it. Students may encourage each other more and be more collaborative when it comes to learning. Your student may find that it’s easier to seek help and assistance in a private school than it is in a public one.
Ready to help your child become a fantastic reader? Contact Kehoe-France Southshore School today to learn more about our admission process. We’re excited to meet your child and begin this journey with them!