What Does the Post-Pandemic Private School Education Look Like?

As a result, many parents switched their children to private schools.
Why Private Schools?
Once schools were back in session after the pandemic shut down, parents realized they had options. There was a time when parents did not think they could afford private schools, and therefore they were not an option. After the pandemic, there was a shift in focus for parents from cost to quality. The quality of the education their children were receiving was more critical than the cost. As a result, many parents either could not continue or were not interested in another year of remote learning.
In-Person Learning
Many parents were not satisfied with their children’s online learning experience and were looking for alternatives. Private schools were offering in-person learning when many public schools were not. Private schools knew they had an obligation to keep children safe and follow state or local guidelines. Typically, private schools have small class sizes with a student-to-teacher ratio of 12:1. This allowed them to follow safety protocols and keep students safe.
Will They Go Back?
Most likely, students that have left public school will not return. Private schools are offering more extended options for pick up and drop off, which parents need. Parents are returning to their offices, and they must find viable options for their children. If they are remote learning, depending on the child’s age, they may need someone to sit with them during the day while remote learning. This may not be an option for some parents. Parents also have come to realize that paying for tuition has some perks, such as the ability to have a more significant say in the education of their children. Overall, parents seem happy with their switch to private schools over remote learning options.
There are many changes as we attempt to enter a post-pandemic world, including education. We learned many things as a result of the pandemic, including what works and what does not. As a result, parents have made choices about education for different reasons than they have in the past.