School Closure: Hurricane Zeta
Update: Oct. 29, 2020 – 7PM
Our wonderful maintenance team, Wade, Alan, Cesar, Angie, Carolyn, Deborah, and Lucy were at school early this morning assessing damage and cleaning the campus from Hurricane Zeta. We lost most of our back fencing and had a lot of downed tree limbs around campus but thankfully fared well overall.
Thank you to the entire team for all their hard work cleaning the campus and preparing for us to reopen. They will continue that work tomorrow and will put up temporary fencing until a permanent fence can be installed.
Due to the continued power outage on campus, school will remain closed on Friday, October 30. Virtual learning will also be suspended in light of widespread outages impacting many of our KF families around the city.
We will keep everyone updated and hope that power will be restored this weekend so that we can return on Monday, November 2, for both on campus and virtual learning.
Dear KF Community,
Hurricane Zeta is projected to bring high winds, power outages and damage across our area beginning Wednesday morning. As the safety of our families and staff is of the utmost importance, we have decided to close our campus on Wednesday, October 28, through Thursday, October 29. Virtual learning will also be suspended during the storm closure due to potential power outages.
Assessing storm damage prior to students arriving on campus is vital to the safety of our school community. We have students and staff that come from all areas of the city and some areas may be impacted more than others; however, giving our families and staff the time to assess potential outages and damage is important to us prior to returning to school.

We will continue to monitor the weather and update everyone should we have to extend the closure due to impacts from the storm. Updates will be made via our webpage, email, Facebook, Instagram, and the One Call Now system.
Please stay safe and we will keep everyone updated!
Kindest regards,
Dr. Price
Head of School
Kehoe-France Southshore