What Skills Do Private School Kindergarteners Master?
According to the Department of Education, private schools comprise about 25% of elementary and high schools in the United States. If you’re considering sending your child to a private school kindergarten, know that it will prepare children for a lifetime of learning.

When your child moves to the next grade, they will leave with the following important skills.
1. Early Literacy Skills
Early literacy skills include recognizing letters, mastering letter sounds, and writing letters. By the end of kindergarten, your child will write all 26 letters, recognize every letter, and verbalize the sound of the letters in the alphabet.
Also, children are taught to recognize and read at least 30 high-frequency sight words. In fact, early literacy skills learned at that age are the foundation on which reading proficiency is built!
2. Math Skills
Basic maths includes recognizing numbers, patterns, simple addition, and subtraction, as well as, ordering numbers up to 30. From second grade onwards, these basic skills continued to be taught.
This foundational math is important in helping your child to build keen basic math skills that will be built on throughout their academic career. When your child leaves kindergarten, they can count to 30, and add and subtract numbers up to 10.
3. Shapes, Objects, and Colors
Private school kindergartens also teach shapes, objects, and colors. When your child moves on to first grade, they can identify shapes, accurately name colors, and identify objects. This type of learning is also essential for math skills. Children are taught all the basics to help them build on throughout their academic careers in a fun learning environment that caters to their learning needs. Of course, it is not all work and no play in kindergarten. There is plenty of time that is dedicated to socialization, fun, and play.
Keep in mind that private school kindergartens have smaller class sizes, too, which means that your child gets the individualized attention that they need to master all the skills that are taught. The focus for this school year is on educating the whole child. Therefore, if your child is approaching the age for kindergarten, a private school setting is something you should consider. To learn more, contact Kehoe-France Southshore School today!